Friday, March 20, 2015


March 20 has been established as the annual International Day of Happiness and all 193 United Nations member states have adopted a resolution calling for happiness to be given greater priority.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


The problems that you provide to the students can come in a variety of forms

  • Logical Problems: apply logic to solving a puzzle
  • Algorithms:  apply a formula or series of steps
  • Rule-Using Problem: apply rules
  • Story Problems: a textual description of a problem told as a story
  • Decision-Making Problems: make a decision
  • Troubleshooting: determine what is wrong with a situation
  • Diagnosis-Solution Problems: determine how to treat/respond to a situation
  • Strategic Performance: perform a complex skill or task
  • Situated Case-Policy Problems: analyze a case scenario
  • Design Problems: design and develop a product to meet specifications
  • Dilemmas: resolve an issue with two or more opposing perspectives
Also, a set of problems can be considered analysis problems such as:
·         Identify and order the sequential steps of a process
·         Characterize a set of phenomena by their component elements
·         Identify causes leading to an event or the consequences derived from an event
·         Break an event into problems and the actions taken to solve them and the problems these actions created
·         Determine cause and effect
·         Examine parts of a whole and their relationships
·         Determine the similarities and differences of a place, event, or people
 Break into and identify parts
Duch, 2001,; Jonassen, 2000;