problems that you provide to the students can come in a variety of forms
- Logical
Problems: apply logic to solving a puzzle
- Algorithms: apply a formula or series of steps
- Rule-Using
Problem: apply rules
- Story
Problems: a textual description of a problem told as a story
- Decision-Making
Problems: make a decision
- Troubleshooting:
determine what is wrong with a situation
- Diagnosis-Solution
Problems: determine how to treat/respond to a situation
- Strategic
Performance: perform a complex skill or task
- Situated
Case-Policy Problems: analyze a case scenario
- Design
Problems: design and develop a product to meet specifications
- Dilemmas:
resolve an issue with two or more opposing perspectives
a set of problems can be considered analysis problems such as:
Identify and order the sequential steps
of a process
Characterize a set of phenomena by
their component elements
Identify causes leading to an event or
the consequences derived from an event
Break an event into problems and the
actions taken to solve them and the problems these actions created
Determine cause and effect
Examine parts of a whole and their
Determine the similarities and
differences of a place, event, or people
into and identify parts
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